Teen Vogue Invests in Digital Content

By: Emily North
Teen Vogue recently issued a statement saying they will be cutting back on their print issues to four times a year in order to focus more on their digital content. This is a drastic move for the publication because it normally issues twelve print issues a year. Teen Vogue has retained the position as the top, teen fashion magazine over the years by staying relevant and being relatable to younger audiences, while magazines such as Cosmo Girl and Elle Girl stopped printing. Teen Vogue has managed to stay conscious of their readership so they’ve achieved long-term success.
This transition from print to digital is a bold move for Condé Nast, but it also begs the question: is this the future for all print publications? Recently, Condé Nast reorganized the structure of Teen Vogue and Vogue in order to merge the two publications under one team, meaning the editor in chief of Vogue, Anna Wintour, now has more influence over Teen Vogue. Wintour has always emphasized the need to stay ahead of trends to not become obsolete, which explains the decision to go digital.
Could this emphasis on a digital publication signal a future shift in the amount of print issues Vogue publishes per year too? Teen Vogue is changing with the interests of millennials. As our generation graduates to reading other publications, the emphasis on digital content will be even more prevalent. Condé Nast always strives to be on the forefront of change and Teen Vogue’s shift towards going predominantly digital shows Condé Nast’s view of the rising generation.