4 Tips on Mastering Transition Weather Fashion

By Payton Goad
It’s that time of year again, when the weather outside is as confusing as deciding what to wear to endure it. This past week marked the beginning of fall, and with this transitional season brings us the most unpredictable weather. One day it’s raining with a high of 62 and the next, there’s not a cloud in the sky with a temperature of 85. So how do you survive these unruly seasonal days that can’t seem to make up their mind? Is it still summer or finally fall? Here are a few tips to help out you and your wardrobe.
Always Check Your Weather App
This one kind of goes without saying, but you should not only check the current temperature, but also the times you know you’ll be walking to class, work, or just out and about running errand. This will give you an idea of what pieces your OOTD should include to keep your outfit practical for the entire day’s changes.
Wearing a tank top or dress underneath a light or cropped sweater is a classic way to battle cold morning temperatures that seem to completely disappear by midday. The sweater keeps the morning breeze at bay, but can simply be thrown into your backpack once the temperature rises, so you can show off that cute tank or dress. Bonus tip: sweaters also help transition your summer pieces into the fall and keep you from buying new looks until your next paycheck!
Light Jackets or Blouses
Similar to the last tip, this is another classic layering concept that’s a little more fashionable yet practical. A lightweight jacket, button up blouse, or flannel over a basic tee or tank can add style to a seemingly effortless outfit, but it can also add a ton of warmth. When you no longer need to be shielded from the morning breeze, you can simply take the jacket or blouse off and tie it around your waist! This adds a chic look to any outfit and keeps you cool at the same time.
Half and Half
Pairing jeans with a sleeveless top or shorts with a long sleeve shirt is another way to survive difficult transitional weather days. Whether it’s your legs or arms that you choose to cover up, this trick will keep your body temperature in check. Try tucking in a loose tank into high-waist jeans, lace up some sandals and you’re ready to take on the day!